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WJCCTF Monthly Meeting

West Jefferson County Community Task Force Monthly Meeting February 19, 2013

Location: NIA Center-2900 West Broadway-3rd Floor Conference Room

Presiding: Carl E. Hilton

The regular meeting of the West Jefferson County Community Task Force was called to order at 6:00 pm.

Welcome/Introductions – Ray Hudson welcomed everyone, thanked them for their attendance and support of the WJCCTF, and read the Mission Statement.



Ray Hudson: WJCCTF Peggy Bolton: WJCCTF
Dr. Swannie Jett: WJCCTF, Bullitt County Health Dept Arnita Gadson: WJCCTF, KY EQC
Ann Hagan-Grigsby: WJCCTF, PDCHC Clematis Wallace: WJCCTF
Russ Barnett: KIESD Isaac Shoulders
Phillip Dale: Dow Diane Bagby: LJCEMA
Sharon Worley: MSD Gracie Lewis: React
Lauren Anderson: APCD Mike Cave: U of L
Eddie Davis: KY Alliance Bhanu Calvert: DuPont
Dan Conklin: U of L Sanjay Srivastava: U of L
Tom Herman: Zeon Chemicals Rich Robinson: ASRC
Jana Zigre: Dow Chemical Freddie George: LDFD
Donna McDonald: WLBA Alex Novak: MSD
Russell Barnett: Uof L Luther Brown: WJCCTF
Shedrick Claycomb



Speaker: Carl E. Hilton – Rubbertown Odors

It is always your right to call and report an objectionable odor experience to the Air Pollution Control District at 502-574-6000.

What Do I Tell Them ?
* When did it start, or is it continuing ?
* What does it smell like (rotten eggs,sweet,etc) ?
* At what location or address did you smell the odor ?
* Have you smelled this odor before ? If so,when ? How often ? What Else ?

Odors of Major Rubbertown Chemicals:

Chemical Similar Odor
1. Acrylates Super glue, fingernail polish
2. Acrylonitrile Garlic, onion
3. Ammonia Window cleaner
4. Chlorine Bleach, pool chemicals
5. Toluene Paint thinner, model glue


Common Odor Thresholds

Chemical IDLH (ppm) Odor Threshold (ppm)
1. Acetic Acid 1,000 0.016
2. Acetone 20,000 4.58
3. 1,3 Butadiene 20,000 0.455
4. Chlorine 30 0.05
5. Gasoline 0.3
6. Methyl Acrylate 1,000 0.263
7. Toluene 2,000 0.16


The following facility contacts gave an update on their policy regarding odors:

Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) – Sharon Worley & Alex Novak
DuPont – Bhanu Calvert
Zeon Chemicals – Tom Herman
Dow Chemical – Phillip Dale & Jana Zigre
Rich Robinson – ASCR

Facility Contact Phone
American Synthetic Shift Supervisor 449-8310
Akema 449-6100
Carbide Industries Safety Department 775-4110
Dow Fire Captain 449-5385
E.I.DuPont Area FLS 775-3232
Lubrizol Shift Supervisor 664-3364
Momentive Security Office 449-6257
PolyOne Env.Manager
(8 am-4 pm only)
Zeon Chemicals Lab Tech./Shift Superv. 775-7642



Lauren Anderson-Executive Director-Air Pollution Control District

1. Report an objectional odor to the APCD. They do not investigate odor complaints during
off-hours. If you suspect one of the Rubbertown facilities, call them. Lauren gave an
update on the total number of complaints in 2012.
Total of all complaints – 821
503- odor
130 –dust
188-open burning


Update on Black Leaf Chemical Site – Carl E. Hilton

Current Status and Future Actions
EPA and KDEP are meeting with Potentially Responsible Parties (PRP’s) to reach agreement on which residential properties will undergo cleanup first. The emphasis is on targeting properties
where releases from the Site can be confirmed, and which are the most heavily impacted.


Lees Lane Proposed Project-Russ Barnett and Sanjay Strivastava

They outline the proposed project and will get into more details at the March 19th meeting. They discussed the make-up of the Community Core.
a. Aims of the project
b. Mission
c. Possible Community Engagement Partners



Gracie Lewis distributed the U.S Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board report on the March 21, 2011 explosion at Carbide Industries that killed two workers and injured two others at the facility.

The meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM
Note: The next WJCCTF Community Meeting is Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Location: NIA Center, 2900 West Broadway-3rd Floor Conference Room

5:30 PM – Refreshments will be served
6:00 PM – Meeting Begins

Topics to be discussed:
Proposed Environmental Project- University of Louisville
Update on the Black Leaf Chemical Site- Carl Hilton

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